For many gardeners interested in growing cannabis, the jargon around seeds and the techniques growers use to acquire and produce them, can be daunting. Many of the major grow manuals The Cannabis Encyclopedia, The Cannabis Grow Bible, and even our own Marijuana Grower's Handbook) touch on seeds, but focus instead on other areas of growing-namely garden setup, nutrients, lighting and harvesting. Those specifically targeted books that do discuss seed breeding are all quite outdated and have minimal information regarding current seed breeding technology and methodology.Breeding Cannabis seeks to change that. James Loud (the founder of Loud Seeds) has created a book that is clear enough for a novice but technical enough for the advanced grower or breeder to learn new and/or different concepts regarding breeding and plant genetics. The book creates awareness and introduce the cannabis enthusiast to the science, myths, struggle, and accidental miracles that go into the creation of popular strains. Because there is more than one way to do many of the techniques in the book, the book provides a comprehensive guide to the available options growers and breeders of any skill level, can use to create new plant genetics.The cannabis seed industry is lacking transparency on so many levels, partly because of prohibition and partly because of greed. Loud exposes the myths and explains the so-called "secret" techniques, in order guide other growers in developing proper models to follow-the use of analytical testing to create transparent selective breeding techniques, the benefits of tissue and culture micropropagation for breeding and long term genetic preservation, and the possible dangers of breeding with reversed plants.